Admission Exam for Master and PhD Programs

Admission Examination

An exam conducted by the department for all applicants who intend to enroll in the the master and PhD program. The exam serves as a placement test besides its role as and admission requirement. It covers the main branches of physics in the level needed for the intended degree. The following list might help you in the preparation:

Master Program Applicants:

  1. Classical Mechanics: in the level of
    1. Classical Dynamics of Particle and Systems by Thornton and Marion, or
    2. Classical Mechanics by Taylor
  2. Electrodynamics: in the level of
    1. Classical Electrodynamics by Griffiths
  3. Quantum Mechanics: in the level of
    1. Quantum Mechanics by Griffiths
  4. Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics: in the level of
    1. Thermal Physics by Kittle
  5. Mathematical Methods: in the level of
    1. Mathematical Methods in the Physics Sciences by Boas

PhD Program Applicants:

  1. Classical Mechanics: in the level of
    1. Classical Mechanics by Goldstein
  2. Electrodynamics: in the level of
    1. Classical Electrodynamics by Jackson
  3. Quantum Mechanics: in the level of
    1. Principles of Quantum Mechanics by Shankar
  4. Statistical Mechanics: in the level of
    1. Statistical Mechanics by Huang
  5. Mathematical Methods: in the level of
    1. Mathematical Methods for Physicists by Arfken

The exam date and time will be announced in this page.

For questions or additional information, please contact us via the email:

Last Update
12/29/2024 5:42:05 AM