مقرر الفيزياء 110

الجدول الزمني لتوزيع
محتوى مقرر الفيزياء العامة للسنة التحضيرية


Section Chapter Topics Weeks

Ch1 Examples




1- Measurements


Ch2 Examples



2.2 2 2-2: Motion 2
2.3 2-3: Position and Displacement
2.4 2-4: Average velocity and average speed
2.5 2-5: Instant. Velocity and speed
2.6 2-6: Acceleration
2.7 2-7: Constant acceleration 3
2.9 2-9: Free-Fall
Ch3 Examples 3.2 3 3-2: Vectors and scalars
3.3 3-3: Adding vectors
3.4 3-4: Components of vectors 4
3.5 3-5: Unit vectors
3.6 3-6: Adding vectors by components
3.7 3-7: Vectors and the laws of phys.
3.8 3-8: Multiplying vectors 5
Ch4 Examples 4.2 4 4-2: Position and displacement
4.3 4-3: Average velocity and instant. Velocity
4.4 4-4: Average acceleration and instant. Acc.
4.5 4-5: Projectile motion
4.6 4-6: Projectile motion analyzed 6
4.7 4-7: Uniform circular motion
Ch5 Examples 5.3 5 5-3: Newton's first law
5.4 5-4: Force
5.5 5-5: Mass
5.6 5-6: Newton's second law
5.7 5-7: Some particular forces 7
5.8 5-8: Newton's third law
Ch6 Examples 6.2 6 6-2: Friction
6.3 6-3: Properties of friction
6.5 6-5: Uniform circular motion 8
  Sample problem 6-10 not required
Ch7 Examples 7.2 7 7-2: What energy
7.3 7-3: Kinetic energy
7.4 7-4: Work
7.5 7-5: Work and kinetic energy
7.6 7-6: Work done by the gravitational force 9
7.7 7-7: Work done by a spring force
7.8 7-8: Work done by a general veriable force
7.9 7-9: Power
Ch8 Examples 8.2 8 8-2: Work and Potential Energy 10
8.4 8-4: Determining Potential E. Value
8.5 8-5: Conser. Of Mech. Energy
8.7 8-7: W. done by an External F. 11
Ch9 Examples 9.2 9 9.2: Center of Mass
9.4 9-4: Linear Momentum
9.8 9-8: Momentum and kinetic En. In Collisions
9.10 9-10: Elastic Collision in One Dimension 12
Ch10 Examples 10.2 10 10-2: The Rotate. variables
10.4 10-4: Rota. With Constant Angular Acce.
10.5 10-5: Relating the Linear and angular veriab. 13
10.8 10-8: Torque
10.9 10- 9: Newton's Sec. Law for Rotation

الاختبار النهائي في جميع الأبواب 1-10



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1/28/2021 9:56:26 AM